
The Commitment to Service Award honors a pro bono law firm who has supported Centro Legal by delivering legal services to our 客户, 以有影响力的方式改善我们客户的生活. 

十多年了, Andrew has partnered with Centro Legal to not only represent hundreds of tenants in court pro bono, he has led advocacy efforts towards housing systemic change in our community. He is one of three founding members of the Just Cause Eviction Protection Initiative, a grass-roots movement that started as an adjunct committee of the Oakland Tenants’ Union and led to the Just Cause Eviction Ordinance, 保护奥克兰市成千上万的租户. 他不仅以身作则, 他指导和支持了几代租户倡导者, 包括我们自己的租户权利律师. 

“Andrew has been fighting for tenants and supporting Centro and our community for decades now.  Not only has he led the way with Centro as co-counsel in some of our biggest class action cases, but he is always willing to represent the individual families facing horrible housing conditions or harassment.  I can’t even imagine where the tenant community would be without Andrew’s unwavering commitment to justice.——杰西·纽马克,Centro Legal诉讼总监

He is a graduate of University of San Francisco School of Law, and UC-Santa Cruz undergraduate. His practice is focused on personal injury and landlord-tenant litigation. 三年来,奥巴马一直在努力. Wolff served as a City Commissioner on the Oakland Rent Stabilization 董事会 as a tenant representative appointed by then Mayor Elihu Harris. He is currently a member of the Consumer Attorneys of California, 东湾承租人律师协会, 阿拉米达县律师协会, 和前房屋权利委员会成员, 公司. 

安德鲁·沃尔夫律师事务所, PC获得多项判决,1项以上,为全加州的客户提供了500份和解协议. Mr. Wolff has also held landlord-tenant MCLE training for young lawyers, and was a guest lecturer in a course at Golden Gate University regarding landlord-tenant litigation. 2017年,. Wolff was awarded the prestigious Guardian of Justice Award by the 阿拉米达县律师协会.

Mr. 沃尔夫从事BG大游工作已有二十年了, and has extensive experience in all phases of landlord-tenant and personal injury litigation. 他在非营利组织中很有名, 并定期为低收入人群做志愿者. Mr. 沃尔夫非常关心他所代表的人, and the underlying issues involved in personal injury and landlord-tenant litigation. 他对为客户取得成功有强烈的感觉. Mr. Wolff provides personal attention and quality legal consultation to his 客户. 

变革催化剂奖 recognizes our community partners who stand side by side with Centro Legal to create social impact in the community.

今年我们向社区成员致敬 奥克兰联合学区的难民和新移民 程序和 海沃德联合学区的新移民服务 程序,包括 Qoc 'avib Revolorio, 纳撒尼尔·邓斯坦, 月桂塞耶, 露辛达Matias, 玛丽亚Aguilar, Ivone埃尔南德斯, 卡罗来纳福丁, 乔西加西亚, 还有塞布丽娜·阿兰达

在过去的十年里, Centro Legal has partnered with the Refugee and Newcomers 程序 at Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) and the Newcomer Services 程序 at Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) to respond to the urgent legal needs of the large numbers of unaccompanied undocumented minors and migrant families arriving in Oakland. 在一起, we launched school-based legal clinics to provide free immigration legal consultations and representation to students and families. Our partnership continues to support immigrant youth and families in securing safety, 稳定, 以及通过BG大游协调发展的机会, 学术, 以及社会服务支持.

“Centro’s partnership with the OUSD Refugee and Newcomers 程序和 the HUSD Newcomer Services 程序 is a tremendous gift to our 客户 and our community. 我们每天都在一起工作:Centro提供咨询, 培训, and full-scope representation to families and unaccompanied minors in Oakland and Hayward schools, and our school-district partner honorees make this all possible by identifying families in need, 为我们提供空间, 资源, 和信息, and making sure to help meet all the non-legal needs of the newcomer families and youth in their districts. Our school-district partners do it all with kindness, patience, and deep knowledge. I learn something new from them every day and I couldn’t be more grateful for their enduring partnership and friendship with Centro. 

——世达律师事务所研究员艾萨克·弗莱格尔-米什洛夫 & 员工律师,移民权利

Join me next month to celebrate the OUSD Refugee and Newcomers team and HUSD Newcomer Services team! 我很兴奋,希望你能来. 今天买票吧!

目前大约有2个,500 unaccompanied undocumented minors (UUMs) within Oakland Unified School District, 每月大约有30个新的uum入学. 海沃德也有类似的效果. 整体, 我们取得了巨大的成功, securing relief from deportation for 100% of our unaccompanied minor 客户. 通过我们学校的BG大游服务, we help 100% of UUMs apply for a work permit which supports them on pathways to careers.


The Leaders in Liberation Award honors the mutual aid and advocacy efforts our community is paving.

Centro Legal recognizes the necessary work our community of advocates, 客户, 合作伙伴要确保人人享有一个公正的世界. 通过共同努力, 我们改变了为社区服务的方式, 倡导政策变革和更好的BG大游.

This year we honor the FCI Dublin Survivors, who have courageously stood up and fought against the 深刻的不公正 experienced while incarcerated at a federal women’s prison in Dublin, California.

“We have learned time and time again from FCI Dublin survivors that: true liberation will not come from the courts; cages hold no place in our futures; and solutions are founded in community. 多年来, survivors abuse at FCI Dublin have practiced a “tomorrow” we should all desire to inhabit, founded in deep care for one another as carceral and legal systems fail by design, and demonstrated through their powerful reclamation of their stories, 捍卫他们的人格, and brave and resilient leadership in this movement towards liberation and justice.”


和玛丽亚一起加入我, 瓦, 和Cristaal谁将获得奖项, in representation of more than 140 survivors of prison staff abuse and retaliation fighting for justice at FCI Dublin.